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Our sustainability policy

Running a sustainable organisation can be a tricky business so we headed to the tried and tested One Planet Living framework to ensure we’re as sustainable as poss.

The One Planet Living framework's a great guide as it’s holistic and all about putting peeps first. We’ve also used it to assess the brands and products we feature on Baobab Avenue.

Health and Happiness

BAOBAB AVE- We’re a team of busy bees working from our respective homes but a few of us enjoy sharing a workspace weekly. We revel in the evenings when we all manage to gather for drinks and laughs over lush vegan meals.

BRANDS - We check out how companies treat their staff as well as those in their supply chains.

Equity and Local Economy

BAOBAB AVE - We depend on other businesses to bring you Baobab Avenue.

BRANDS - We investigate how the individuals involved in the creation of your clothes, from the farmers sowing the seeds to the seamstresses making the finished pieces are treated and rewarded for their labour.

Culture and community

BAOBAB AVE - We're planning to donate 10% of our profits to charity. We've shortlisted a few great charities that we'd like to support and will be updating this page as soon as we've chosen one.

BRANDS - Loads of brands give back to the communities they work in by donating profits or a proportion of their turnover to relevant environmental, human rights or local community charities. We love learning about the awesome work these brands are supporting and sharing them with you - they cover a really wide range of initiatives and we’re sure you’ll appreciate knowing where some of your money is headed.

Land and Nature

BAOBAB AVE - We’re so busy bringing you Baobab Avenue we never have time to mow our lawns (eek!), but the bees and butterflies are lovin’ it!

BRANDS - We hunt down the third party certifications like Soil Association Organic to ensure that the fibres used to make your clothes have minimal impact on the birds and the bees. We make these really clear on our product pages and there’s even more info in our materials section.

Sustainable Water

BAOBAB AVE - Tap water, home-brewed teas and coffees at our team meetings. No plastic bottles anywhere near our crew (just the occasional bottle of vino - but they come in glass - so all good!)

BRANDS - We search for and highlight products which use less water and chemicals in their production.

Local and Sustainable Food

BAOBAB AVE - Quite a few of the team are vegan so our get-togethers are over scrummy vegan dishes.

BRANDS - Whilst we don’t sell food, we care about all creatures and critters so don’t want any animals harmed in the making of the products we share. This means we seek out and highlight vegan alternatives and ensure all wool and silk products follow best practice standards for animal welfare.

Travel and Transport

BAOBAB AVE - Working from home reduces our travelling and happily most of us are in walking, cycling or skipping distance of each other. We minimise travel by setting up virtual meetings as much as poss, but our co-founders use their whizz-y electric car when they have important meets with others!

BRANDS - Clothes are shipped all around the world and that isn’t going to change any time soon. We don’t have the space or climate in the UK to make everything here! But we do highlight those companies whose workshops can be found in the UK for peeps looking for things made a little closer to home.

Materials and Products

BAOBAB AVE - We’re pretty much a paperless office working and collaborating online in our respective home offices. Any paper we do use is recycled or FSC certified.

BRANDS - Our raison d’etre! Check out the materials section for everything you need to know about sustainable materials.

Zero Waste

BAOBAB AVE - We minimise waste, reuse, recycle and compost everything we can.

BRANDS - We gather companies which are moving towards zero waste across their business. From using recycled materials to make the clothes to ensuring all packaging is made from recycled materials and either reusable or recyclable.

Zero Carbon Energy

BAOBAB AVE - Most of the team use renewable energy providers to power their home offices and two households are car-free. As we’ve been unable to find sustainable server providers we're currently participating in a tree-planting carbon offsetting scheme.

BRANDS - We checkout how companies reduce their carbon footprint and make their production processes more energy efficient switching to renewable sources of energy.